Kontakt - siriflowers

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Your personal data will be used di Siri Flowers s.a.s. di Siri Pierluca & C. - Via Mameli, 101/3 - 18018 Taggia (IM) Italy, also by electronic means exclusively in order to satisfy your request for information. The personal data is not compulsory, but the eventual lack of availability thereof will prevent Siri Flowers s.a.s. di Siri Pierluca & C. from satisfying your request for information. The Decree of Law No. 196/2003 guarantees your right to access to your personal data at any time, requesting eventual adjustments, integration, cancellation or the forbiddance to use it. According to the above information I hereby authorize the handling and the communication of my personal data by Siri Flowers s.a.s. di Siri Pierluca & C. within the limits stated above.

Tel.:  +39 - 0184 - 460312 - Fax:  +39 - 0184 - 475712
Siri Flowers s.a.s. di Siri Pierluca & C.  Via Mameli, 101/3 - 18018 Taggia (IM)  Italy
e-mail: info@siriflowers.com

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